Best Chainsaw Chain for Dry Wood

When it comes to chainsaw chains, there is a wide variety of options available. Different types of wood need different kinds of saws and chains in order to be cut efficiently and safely. Dry wood can be particularly difficult to cut, but with the right gear, you’ll be able to do it quickly and effectively.

Choosing the right type of chainsaw chain for different types of wood can make the job much easier and safer. Here’s a good starting point for finding the best chainsaw chain for dry wood cutting.

Types of Chainsaw Chains

There are two main types of chainsaw chains that you need to consider when selecting one for cutting dry wood.

The first type is a standard low-profile chain.

These chains are designed with small cutters that limit how much material they can remove in each pass and therefore require more passes to make a cut. They also heat up more quickly than other types of chains, which means they need more frequent sharpening.

They are great for making smooth cuts in thin pieces of dry wood and are relatively lightweight, so manoeuvring them around tight spaces is easier.

Best Chainsaw Chain for Dry Wood

The second type is an aggressive full-profile chain.

These chains have larger cutters that can remove more material from each pass, which allows them to make deeper cuts faster than low-profile options do. They also generate less heat than low-profile options do, so they don’t need to be sharpened as often.

Their large cutters mean that they can be difficult to manoeuvre in tight spaces and are better suited for larger pieces of dry wood or hardwood logs.

Choosing a Chain Gauge

The next step is to choose a chain gauge. This refers to how thick the drive links are on your chain. The most common gauges are 0.043-inch and 0.050-inch, but larger gauges like 0.058-inch are also often used for cutting thicker pieces of wood or hardwood logs.

As a general rule of thumb, the thinner the gauge, the easier it is to cut through dry wood and make smooth cuts without causing damage to the wood. Thinner chains are more prone to breaking and require more frequent sharpening, so it’s important to find a good balance between the two.

Thicker gauge chains require more power from your saw but provide more durability and longer life spans than thin gauge chains do.

When in doubt, it’s always best to start with a smaller gauge chain and then work your way up if necessary.

Pitch Size Matters

Another important factor when selecting a chainsaw chain is the pitch size (the size of the links). Generally speaking, larger pitch sizes can handle thicker pieces of wood while smaller pitch sizes work better on thinner pieces.

For example, if you’re cutting thick slabs of dry wood then a 3/8-inch pitch would be ideal; however, if you’re cutting thin branches then a .050-inch pitch would work best.

Keep in mind that some saws may not be able to accommodate larger pitches so it’s important to check before purchasing your new chain.

Selecting a Chain Pitch

The pitch size of your chain refers to how close together the cutters are spaced on the chain. This varies by chainsaw model and wood type, so it’s important to consult your manual before making any decisions here.

Different pitches offer different levels of performance depending on what material you’re cutting – the low pitch is better suited for softwoods while higher pitches work better with harder woods such as oak or walnut. 

Safety Factors

When cutting dry wood, it’s also important to ensure that you have the right safety gear. A hard hat, protective goggles, and sturdy work boots are a good start. And since dry wood tends to be more brittle than other types of wood and can splinter easily, you should consider wearing gloves as well.

Overall, choosing the right type of chainsaw chain and taking proper safety precautions can help ensure that you’re able to cut dry wood quickly and effectively.

So when looking for a chainsaw chain for cutting dry wood, be sure to consider your saw model, the size of your wood pieces, and your safety needs.

Final Thoughts

When choosing a new chainsaw chain, there are three primary factors that need to be taken into consideration: type (standard vs full-skip), gauge (thickness of drive links), and pitch (how close together cutters are spaced).

Each factor plays an important role in determining how well your saw will perform when cutting dry wood, so researching these details ahead of time can save you time and money in the long run.

At the end of the day, the best chainsaw chain for dry wood will depend on your specific needs and chainsaw model, so be sure to do your research and make an informed decision before making a purchase.